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Comprehensive and Holistic Guide based on the new No-Fault Divorce system in England and Wales

Writer's picture: Neeta MardiaNeeta Mardia

Avoiding the Blame Game: Your Legal and Holistic Guide to No-Fault Divorce, is a new book from Family Law solicitor, Neeta Mardia, combining legal expertise with self-care tips to help divorcing couples through the process.

If you decide to move forward with a divorce from your spouse, the days of having to file a grievance such as adultery or unreasonable behaviour are gone. Nor do you have to wait for years if your estranged partner refuses to agree or participate in divorce proceedings.

The new system of No-Fault Divorce in England and Wales came into force last year (April 2022). Theoretically, it means it’s possible to conduct a divorce by yourself, online, for the cost of the filing fee of £593, with the possibility of fee remission in some cases.

However, what is possible, and what you are faced with in reality, can be two very different things. Legal changes aside, anyone who has been through a divorce will know that splitting apart a family, property, assets and investments can be a financial minefield. There is also the undoubted emotional and practical complications of ensuring any children of the marriage are taken care of.

Neeta Mardia, an experienced family law solicitor for 30 years, has created a well-thought-out and easy-to-follow guide that comprehensively takes anyone considering divorce from the very first steps through to planning for the future, post-divorce.

“Avoiding the Blame Game” thoroughly explains the new system and takes you through the steps that you need to consider, whether you are doing a DIY divorce or planning to engage a lawyer. The book also details mediation, financial orders, financial remedy orders, dealing with children’s living arrangements, meaning you are well-informed and ready to act.

As well as practical advice, it includes tips for dealing with divorce grief, processing emotions constructively, mindfulness and even yoga and meditations to help maintain your mental health.

The guide also contains a number of case studies throughout to help illustrate a range of scenarios and how Neeta helped her clients through to a happier future.

Neeta Mardia now works as a Divorce Consultant, offering advice and support to clients to help them practically and emotionally through the process – and whether they want to go through with a divorce at all.

Neeta says,

“When the law came into effect in 2022, I could see that, while it freed separating spouses from needing to point the finger of blame, there we were still so many issues and unknowns to surmount. If someone wanted to do it themselves, they still needed a way to understand how to split apart a married life of potentially many years in the least damaging way to all concerned, especially to any children.
“My book tries to break it all down logically and holistically, never forgetting that everyone will be feeling raw, possibly angry, confused, or deeply upset. It offers ways to ensure important details are not forgotten, while also taking care of yourself and your dependents both emotionally and financially.”

Avoiding The Blame Game can be used on its own as a companion to a DIY divorce, or as a handy support along with engaging a solicitor who can take care of any complex aspects with which you may need help.

It can be found on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle as well as other bookstores and eBook sellers.


1. Neeta’s website is

2. To speak to or interview Neeta about her book, please email her

3. Find the book on Amazon here:

4. If you would like a PDF press copy of the book, please email as above.


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